Spring Bunny Sessions 2019

Bunny Sessions this year are going to be done April 1 through April 19, 2019.  I have moved since last year, so they will be a bit different if you have done them with me before.  I don’t have a yard that looks like a forest any more. I do, however, have a studio to do the photos in. My new location is in South Jordan.  I have purchased 3 new backdrops for spring/Easter.  Below are pictures with one of the new backdrops, along with a few of the backdrops that I have used in the past.  2 of my new backdrops will arrive sometime this next week.  The first four pictures are new from this year, the others are from past years.

I will have 4 bunnies. Two of them are shown in the pictures. The other two will arrive the end of March. I am borrowing them from the same place I got the ones I already have.  The two I am borrowing are both white, one with light brown spots and the other one a lop-eared bunny with brown and black spots.  They are all four good with kids as they come from a house that has kids who have loved them since they were surprisingly born (surprising to the owners of the mama rabbit).

I am offering short sessions for $65 that will last 30 minutes. Families are welcome if there are 6 or fewer members in the family.  Larger families will require more time.  Contact me if you are larger than 6 and we can discuss pricing.    The special is for Easter themed sessions only.

I have had a lot of people book sessions already.  If you are going to be more than 10 minutes late for your session, please contact me so we can reschedule.

801-718-4906  Call or text.

ToniCox Photography

ToniCox Photography

ToniCox Photography

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